What does the Bible say about sin? Is it sin to disobey, or to not be nice, or to not be loving?
What does the Bible say about the earth being billions of years old?
[Note from Pastor Keith: During Search the Scriptures (10:45 service) I stated that there is a verse in the Gospels where Jesus explicitly referenced the six-day creation. I was mistaken—no such verse exists. Upon further reflection I realize I was conflating Jesus’ direct reference to the creation of Adam and Eve (Matthew 19:4) with the acknowledgement that this reference to the creation account of man on the sixth day implicitly affirms the six-day creation narrative of Genesis. To substantiate the argument that Jesus did attest to the six-day creation, here is a helpful link: https://answersingenesis.org/days-of-creation/did-jesus-say-he-created-in-six-literal-days/.]
Does the Bible say anything about which is the one true church?
The Bible says that Jesus said to Peter, “You are Peter the Rock, and upon this rock I will build my church” (Matthew 16:18). Aren’t Catholics the only church who can show an unbroken lineage of Popes from Peter on down to the present Pope?
Theme: Search the Scriptures